Dennis & I have created this blog to share with our family and friends as we begin our journey to Russia where we hope to add to our wonderful family.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Next step

So we had visits with the children yesterday...not sure if it was our last visit with them as they keep saying it all depends on how court goes and how long it takes.  So not what I want to hear but I guess they need to remind us that we still do need the court to grant us our adoption.

The visits with the kids have gone very well and they have warmed up to us both. 

We are hopeful that after court we will be able to return to see the kids one last time before we head home.  If we do we hope to bring sweets for the all the kids in our kids group and my plan is to get a big watermelon for all of them to enjoy......thinking it will be a real treat for them.   Leaving them behind will be difficult but I we will know at that point that they will be coming home very soon and that is what will get us through our waiting time.  

We had our pre-court prep at the hotel last night and it went pretty well..............we decided Dennis will address the court first and he worked on his speech last night and is again rewriting it this morning.  (I think he is a bit nervous!!).  I will then speak  after Dennis and I'm going to wing it...........
I am a bit nervous but I'm sure it will be fine.

So this is the moment we have been waiting for for a very long time.  We hope and pray the judge grants us our adoption of our children and then we can make plans to bring them home after the 30 day wait.

Thank you all for your positive words and support as it makes us feel loved and know that our children are in your prayers and that our family is blessed with an abundance of love.

Thank you.


PS: I am thinking I will not  be able to post after court as we are sure that we will start our travels home as soon as we are through here.

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